Types of Personal Data

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Categories of Personal Data

Personal Data can be categorised into:

  • General Personal Data
  • Sensitive Personal Data
  • Exempted Data


General Personal Data:
This data include information like name, age, gender, home address, email address, location information, internet and IP address information, cookie ID, personal finance information, income, tax related information, work and position related information,  family information, health related general information, car or other vehicle information, qualifications, CV details and other related data or information.


Sensitive Personal Data:
This data include information like surname or full name, passport number, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, data related to racial and/or ethnic origin, political opinions, information about trade union membership, genetic data and biometric data procured solely for identification purpose, NRIC number or FIN (Foreign Identification Number), voice or video recording, personal mobile number, specific and sensitive health details, and other related data or information.  


Types of Personal Data that are exempt:
Business contact information such as business or work number, business address or building information, business email address and business or work fax number, personal data that has been recorded 100 or more years ago, personal data or information of a person who has been deceased for 10 years or more.

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